The Poop Scoop
Did you know that poop scooping is all about keeping your environment healthy. The faces that is left behind by the both wild and domestic animals can pose a health risk to the people and
pets in you life. Following are the lists of more common diseases that can transmit from animals to people through faces.
1. GIARDIA: These protozoa (Organism) can be transmitted to both pets and people, causing vomiting and diarrhea, gas, stomach cramps and dehydration when ingested by the consumption of food that have been grown in soil contaminated with faces.
2. TOXOCARIASIS (ROUNDWORM): The common cat and dog roundworms known as Toxocara, often seen in puppies and kittens, can be transmitted to other pets and people through the ingestion inactive eggs passed into the environment in faces.
3. HOOKWORMS: This intestinal parasite known as Ancylostoma can infect both dogs and cat ( and people), and is known to cause anemia, dehydration and diarrhea. Once infected, the parasite can cause itchy, snake- shaped lesion s and abdominal pain in people. Walking barefoot outside in areas that are contaminated by faces is a common way people become infected.
4. TAPEWORM: Tapeworm knows as Echinococus. The eggs are then shed into the environment through faces and ingested inadvertently by people.